Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Not as easy as you might think!

That's what I have to say about blogging every day!  It's not as easy as you might think to come up with something interesting and relevant to say.  Then again, I guess we can just consider that as part of this adventure we call life !!

Are you one of those folks whose family (especially children) believe that you can fix anything????   I come from a long line of "fixers".  For some reason, we've grown up with the idea that, because we are the "MOM", we're supposed to be able to fix anything for anyone, but especially our families.  Talk about adventure!!  I was 41 years old before I finally was able to admit to myself AND my family, that I am not a miracle worker and I CAN NOT fix everything!   They still don't always believe me; probably because for years I had everyone fooled into thinking it was true - including myself.  Now, don't get me wrong, being able to be the only person who can save the day can sometimes be an enjoyable thing ... but what happens when there really is something you can't fix????   Then everyone cries about how you've let them down, you didn't come through for them, sometimes even going so far as to say you don't really love them.

Take it from me .... DON'T DO IT!!!!!  It's much better to make them stand on their own feet and figure out the problem for themselves.  I'm not say you should never help your children out; sometimes they really aren't able to solve a problem.  But generally, if they got themselves into a position where something needs to be "fixed", then they can find a way to fix it themselves.    If you always fix things for them, they may never truly grow up and stand on their own feet.

Telling your child or family member "no" is never easy, but allowing them to learn to work things out by themselves helps them on their way to realizing that life really IS an adventure every day!

Have a great day; and don't put so much pressure on yourself to fix things for others.  You probably have enough of your own things to fix!


  1. Hahaha, You mean we don't have to be Mrs. Fixit forever?

  2. lol i see just so i still look for my mommy to fix my problems but that doesn't mean she does! but i get it! i am so glad my mom told me no!sometimes ! good luck i hope i am as strong nuff to say no to ry when the time comes! oh and i'll look forward to reading these! luv ya
